Tag Archives: Denmark

Life at home…


Why only take pictures, extracts of your life, when you’re travelling? I’m trying to see the interesting in the boring and the wonderful in everyday life, and sometimes I take photos of it too. Theese are from the last two months or so, in Copenhagen, Charlottenlund and around.
This post is maybe told as if you were a Martian…

This is how it looks like when I bike trough the wet forest near home.

And when I went with my almost-neighbour to pick ramsons from my secret spot in the forest, I met this little one.

And it met me.

In Copenhagen I saw this painting. Somehow typical danish.

Absalonsgade by night. In front of my favorite cinema, Vester Vov Vov (where I went to see Kaurismäki’s “Le Havre” – a very beautiful, odd and poetic film).

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in the north of Copenhagen has this room; it’s completely dark, and you can only see theese lights and the mirrors. Magical.

The colours change.

My good friend gets swallowed up.

From the exhibition “Women and the Avant-garde”

Actually it was an ad for shampoo.

When I’m at work at the library, I can discover pretty things too. Well, interesting, at least.

1st of May, my mum turned 60.

And my sister just celebrated her confirmation, so we went to have milk shake.


A good party is where you get to play!

At this confirmation the teens become adults (or are supposed to…) and the adults become children…



And now back to studying… At the moment looking for and researching colour constellations and tableaux in Godard’s 1960s films.



Happy (temporary?) summer, everyone!